A film crew follows three grieving participants of Miami’s annual T Ball, where folks assemble to model R.I.P. T-shirts and innovative costumes designed in honor of their dead. T is written and directed by Keisha Rae Witherspoon, and edited by Jonathan David Kane. The film screened at Sundance Film Festival 2020, won the audience award for best short film at both BlackStar and New Orleans film festivals, and went on to win the Golden Bear for best short film at Berlinale 2020. T is currently streaming on The Criterion Channel. For additional information, visit www.madeinthecountyofdade.com

Berlinale Film Festival, 2020 (Winner, Golden Bear)

Indie Grits Film Festival, 2020 (Winner, Narrative Short Grit)

Regard sur La Court Film Festival, 2020

Guanajuato International Film Festival, 2020

Maryland Short Film Festival, 2020

AFI Fest, 2020

Select Screenings

Sundance Film Festival, 2020

Whitney Museum of Art, 2020

Miami Film Festival, 2020 (Winner, Made in MIA Award)

American Black Film Festival, 2020

Camden International Film Festival, 2020

DC Shorts International Film Festival, 2020

Blackstar Film Festival, 2019 (Winner, Audience Award)

Afrikana Independent Film Festival, 2019

Black Harvest Film Festival, 2020

Palm Springs Short Fest, 2020

Atlanta Film Festival, 2020

Film Fort, 2020

New Orleans Film Festival, 2019 (Winner, Audience Award)

March on Washington Film Festival, 2020 (Winner, Grand Prize)

New Directors New Films, 2020

Black Women Film Conference, 2020

The Short List Film Festival, 2020

Indie Memphis Film Festival, 2020

Featured Press